Interpretation and Translation
Since 1936 the International Institute of Wisconsin has been providing reliable interpretation and translation services to the Greater Milwaukee Area. Currently, we regularly offer services in over 50 languages for a variety of sectors, including courts, healthcare, and community and business organizations.
The IIW contracts with a number of qualified translators to provide quality services to individuals and organizations. To receive our services, simply provide the IIW with an original document during our regular office hours. In approximately 10 working days (unless otherwise specified), a notarized and translated document will be returned to you.
The International Institute of Wisconsin provides spoken language interpretation for a growing variety of nonprofit, for-profit, and government organizations in and around the Greater Milwaukee area. To arrange for a qualified interpreter, please call 414-225-6220 or e-mail and let us know of your requirements.
In partnership with experienced trainers throughout the region, the IIW offers an intensive 10-hour Interpreter Training Seminar that provides the interpreter with an overview of the fundamentals of interpretation, the background to continue working, and improving as a professional. The courses are non-language-specific, so all spoken-language interpreters are welcome to attend.
For more information about our interpretation and translation services and training, please call 414-225-6220 or email
The IIW is a proud member of the American Translator’s Association.


The International Institute of Wisconsin is a proud member of the Midwest Association of Translators and Interpreters.